
Friday, May 24, 2013

Gabby Bowl 18

Donated to MoGuate 2012 Silent Auction

Purchased by Cindy Swatek/Jamie Salas

MoGuate is a gathering of families organized by Cindy Swatek.  They meet annual in Lake Ozark, MO for a weekend of family fun.  A silent auction was held and all funds raised when to Affording Adoption Foundation.  A grant was established in Gabby's name in 2012 and awarded to a family in process of adopting a child.  Jamie Salas purchased the bowl and gave it to Cindy.  Through this an other items, MoGuate raised over $1,500.  And the first recepient of the Gabby Lewis Memorial Grant was awarded to a family in process of adopting. 

The bottom of the bowl reads:

MoGuate 2012 
It also lists all the names of those in attendance. 
<3 A gathering of families who have been blessed with children from Guatemala <3

Live a life worthy of the calling you have received.
Ephesians 4:1